Got it fixed. Turns out there are typos in the book

Thanks Jason for the help.


At 08:50 AM 3/23/2003, CDitty wrote:
Hello all. I am trying to figure out some session management that is in the O'reilly book - Web Database Applications. I am getting the following error - Error 1045 : Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)

Normally, I would think that this is because the userid and/or password for the database is incorrect. However, they are not. I have verified that the userid and password are correct and the database server is active.

Anyone have any ideas?

Here is the code....
// Database connection information
$hostName = "localhost";
$databaseName = "development";
$username = "userid";
$password = "password";

// Error handling
function showerror()
        die("Error " . mysql_errno() . " : " . mysql_error());

// Returns current time as a number
// Used for recording the last session access

function getMicroTime()
        // microtime() returns the number of seconds
        // since 0:00:00 January 1, 1970 GMT as a
        // microsecond part and a second part.
        // eg: 0.08344800 1000952237
        // Convert the two parts into an array
        $mtime = explode(" ", microtime());

        // Return the addition of the two parts
        return($mtime[1] + $mtime[0]);

// The database connection

// The global variable that holds the table name

function sessionOpen($database_name, $table_name)

        // Save the database name in a global variable
        global $connection;
        global $hostName;
        global $username;
        global $password;

        if(!($connection = @mysql_connect($hostName, $username, $password))){

        if(!mysql_select_db($database_name, $connection)){

        // Save the table name in a global variable
        global $session_table;
        $session_table = $table_name;

        return true;

// This function is called whenever a session_start()
// call is made and reads the session variables
// Returns "" when a session is not found
//  (serialized)string - session exists
function sessionRead($sess_id)
        // Access the DB connection
        global $connection;

        // Access the global variable that holds the name
        // of the table that holds the session variables
        global $session_table;

// Formulate a query to find the session
// identified by $sess_id
$search_query = "select * from $session_table where session_id = '$sess_id'";

        // Execute the query
        if(!($result = @mysql_query($search_query, $connection))){

        if(mydql_num_rows($result) == 0){
                return "";
                // Found a session - retun the seialized string
                $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
                return $row["session_variable"];

// This function is called when a session is initialized
// with a session_start() call, when variables are
// registered or unregistered, and when session variables
// are modified. Returns true on success.
function sessionWrite($sess_id, $val)
        global $connection;
        global $session_table;

$time_stamp = getMicroTime();

$search_query = "select session_id from $session_table where session_id = '$sess_id'";

        // Execute query
        if(!($result = @mysql_query($search_query, $connection))){

if(mysql_num_rows($result) == 0){
// No session found, insert a new one
$insert_query = "insert into $session_table (session_id, session_variable, last_accessed) values ('$sess_id, '$val', $time_stamp)";

if(!mysql_query($insert_query, $connection)){
// Existing session found - Update it
$update_query = "update $session_table set session_variable = '$val', last_accessed = $time_stamp where session_id = '$sess_id'";

                if(!mysql_query($update_query, $connection)){
        return true;

// This funstion is executed on shutdown of the session
// Always returns true
function sessionClose($sess_id)
        return true;

// This is called whenever the session_destroy()
// funstion call is made. Returns true is the session
// has successfully been deleted.
function sessionDestroy($sess_id)
        global $connection;
        global $session_table;

$delete_query = "delete from session_table where session_id = '$sess_id'";

        if(!($result = @mysql_query($delete_query, $connection))){
        return true;

// This function is called on a session's start up with
// the probability specified in session.gc_probability.
// Performs garbage collection by removing all sessions
// that haven't been updated in the last $max_lifetime
// seconds as set in session.gc_maxlifetime.
// returns true if the delete query succeeded.
function sessionGC($max_lifetime)
        global $connection;
        global $session_table;

$time_stamp = getMicroTime();

$delete_query = "delete from $session_table where last_accessed < ($time_stamp - $max_lifetime)";

        if(!($result = @mysql_query($delete_query, $connection))){

        return true;

// Call to register user callback functions
session_set_save_handler("sessionOpen", "sessionClose", "sessionRead", "sessionWrite", "sessionDestroy", "sessionGC");


Here is the calling code.
// include the sessions handlers

// initialize a session. This call either creates a new session
// or re-establishes an existing one.

// if this is a new session, then the variable $count is not registered

        $count = 0;
        $start  = time();

$sessionId = session_id();


<p>This page points at a session (<?=$sessionId ?>)<br>
count = <?=$count ?>.<br>
start = <?=$start ?>.<br>
<p>This session has lasted
$duration = time() - $start;
echo "$duration";

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