Just an idea:
In $string replace any occurence of ç to c, search for offsets of francoise, and then add bold tags at the offsets (and end tags at offsets +strlen('francoise')) in the original string.

cpaul wrote:


i've made a small php site that is searching against french documents stored
in a mysql database.

when it comes to rendering search results, the client has asked if the words that were searched for can be highlighted.

"no problem!" i thought.  just do a regexp replace and wrap a <b> tag around
the matching terms.  then i realised that the following would not produce
a match:

 $string = "Françoise";
 echo preg_match("/francoise/i",$string);

so my question.... since mysql managed to produce a match here, is there
perhaps a php regexp modifier that (maybe) knows how to make this match?


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