Yes, but you can't put put the single quoted array key directly in the double-quotes string, try:

$thedate = $lr_form->getSubmitValue('lr_pub_date');

echo "The month: {$thedate['m']}";

Charles Kline wrote:

Okay. I think I understand. So I do something like this:

$thedate = $lr_form->getSubmitValue('lr_pub_date');

echo "The month: $thedate['m']";

Is that what you meant?

- Charles

On Wednesday, March 26, 2003, at 09:31 PM, Leif K-Brooks wrote:

Are you trying to print/echo it? That converts it to a string first. Either print_r it, var_dump it, or do something else with it.

Charles Kline wrote:

hi all,

using html_quickform (pear) and it has a date type that passes the date info like this:

array(24) { ["lr_pub_date"]=> array(3) { ["m"]=> string(1) "3" ["d"]=> string(2) "12" ["Y"]=> string(4) "2003" }

I am used to getting this data like:


But doing that with this array just returns: Array

Anyone know how to get to the data?


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