This is why it is imperative that the user first research the topic
(problem) via on-line references (search engines, docs, howtos,etc) then
post to the mailing list when all these resources have been exhausted.


On Fri, 2003-03-28 at 02:43, Haseeb Iqbal wrote:
> hello,
> just want to suggest something to the list manager. there should be a way to
> email every newly subscribed user about what php can do and what php can't
> this will help solve many problems.i have been subscribed to this list for
> 10 days or so and i have recieved more then 50% of the mails about php doing
> client side stuff.and everytime the nice people explain to them what php can
> do.
> i think all new users should get an email explaining what php is and what
> can it do.
> just a suggestion no hard feelings.
> Haseeb

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