At 13:53 27.03.2003, Steve Jackson said:
>That would've been ideal.
>However I asked our webhost and they want 2100+ Danish Marks (Dotserv -
>tight "#"#"#!" - needless to say it isn't going to happen) to configure
>cURL within their PHP, can't do cron jobs either. 

May I suggest switching ISP's - I'm offering you my server farm for half
this price ;-)

>They suggest I use wget to do the same thing, however the only way I can
>think of to do that is display the submissions on a page and and somehow
>parse that into SQL to insert it. Any ideas on how I can go about that?

I have another idea - you could simply go the other way round, the intranet
box polls the external one by executing a "special" PHP script. This script
on the external server checks the IP (only your intranet host, rsp. the
gateway is allowed), and maybe some secret token passed to it. It then
responds by transmitting any content that needs to go into the intranet DB,
formatted in a way easy to parse by an intranet script (e.g. ini style, or
xml, whatever). On the intranet box have a cronjob running that polls once
per minute.

   >O     Ernest E. Vogelsinger
   (\)    ICQ #13394035

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