My guess is you have register_globals off. You need to use $_GET['get_variable'] or $_POST['post_variable']

echo $_GET['get_variable'].'<br>';
echo $_POST['post_variable'].'<br>';

<form action="<?= $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] ?>?get_variable=hello+i+am+a+get+variable" method="post">
<input type="text" value="hello I am a post variable">
<input type="submit">

Navratil, Jan wrote:


i have problem with running PHP4.3.1 on Apache1.3.19 on W2K.

I instaled everithng by install.txt. Is posible to load easy php pages but
when i want to Recieve data from form it does not wrok.

Please help me

Best regards Honza Navratil

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