$f1 is the temporary file namen your server, you need to use $f1_name, or even better $_FILES['f1']['name']

Tomás Liendo wrote:

Hello people, I have the following strange problem:

I designed a form with Front Page XP, and with PHP I save the fields in a
MySQL data base. All fields work perfect, except one. This is a control to
upload files:
<INPUT type="file" name="f1">
The problem is that in the data base the value selected for the user is not
recorded. Instead of that a value as "/tmp/phpd7Fski" is recorded.
I don't know if my problem is Front Page, PHP or my Web server (Apache)...
As a test I printed the value of the varible $f1:
   echo $f1
This shows the following: "/tmp/phpd7Fski", instead the value selected by
the user.

Well I hope somebody can help me, from already thank you very much,


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