Le Mercredi  7 Mars 2001 09:11, vous avez écrit :
> Le Mercredi  7 Mars 2001 22:05, vous avez écrit :
> > People
> > very basic question here, I wanna assign username onto session after the
> > login succeed, I use:
> >
> > session_start();
> > session_register("username");
> the syntax for  session_register is :
> session_register("session_names",var_without_quote)
> and I think you doesnt need this line ,
> it's done automaticlly by PHP
> > $UserNameSession="username";

rectification i was wrong : I didn't see UserName session but username
You need this line !

but for session_register I am right !

good luck


> >
> >
> >
> > did not work what is wring with this?
> > Jack
> > "There is nothing more rewarding than reaching the goal you set for
> > yourself"


                            Matthieu LE CORRE
                       SERVICE INFORMATIQUE
     Ecole Polytechnique de l'Université de Nantes 
                            Site de la Chantrerie
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