sorry worked it out i had stderr in the escape string

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Rossi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 7:39 AM
To: Php-General
Subject: [PHP] problems with curl + exec

hi guys , this is a wierd problem , for some reason wget is fine to return
stderr to stdoutput , i'll get an exact error in key 4 , ie OK or HTTP 404 ,
but with curl it is not returning the exact errorode or outputting an error
here are my instructions although for a 404 instead of 22 i am getting an
errorcode of 23 or sometimds even 6 ?

$execstring=escapeshellcmd($this->command." -stderr error -v --fail -O
".$url." 2>&1 ".$options);
@exec($execstring, $stdout, $errorcode);

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