
Ok can't refrain from giving my opinion to this one. 

First of all I think separating presentation from business logic can be 
achived fairly simple with SMARTY and if your template code acutally 
contains business logic than you have not understood the concept of the 
template engine. The only logic that should be included in the template is 
the presentation logic. This is clearly stated in the docs and on the 
website.  Removing logic from presentation is not possible in my opinion. 
Basically you always have to have someway of specifiing if something is to 
be shown or not. SO you basically just remove a complex programming 
structure and replace it with a somewhat less complex custom template 
declaration such as if else constructs etc... 
Also Smarty allows you to build custom tags to include logic into template 
without programming making it fairly easy to include businesslogic without 
introducing code.

About XSLT as a templating mechanism. I just think it's more complicated 
and until every browser supports XSLT on the client side I don't see how 
it improves performance over a custom performance optimized templateengine 
such as SMARTY. Not to forget that the logic in an XsLT Stylesheet seems 
as complicated if not more complicated than building customized php code. 
But then again this is just my opinion.

About Templatetamer, didn't have too much time to look at it but I don't 
like the fact, at least that is the impression I got from your website, 
that I have to use your tool to create templates. I have my own set of 
tools and I'd like to stick with them. So editing templates should be as 
easy as opening your favourite editor.

So there is no real pro or con. Every situation has their advantage but 
IMHO if you are using XSLT just for separation purposes it is an overkill 
and makes things to complicated. If you need to transfer constructs into 
other languages such as perl etc... then thats a whole different 


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