If imagecopy function does not exists, gd is not either installed or enabled. Check your php.ini if it is enabled and the extension dir if the extenssion is there. If it is not there, run configure once again with the right options, also read INSTALL.

Wo Chang wrote:

Dear Experts,

Seems like I can't use any of the followings even
though I'm running PHP 4.3.2-RC1:

 * imagecreatefromjpeg
 * imagecopy
 * etc.

Am I right the gd-2.x has already integrated with
PHP 4.3.2-RC1 and the gd also has the jpeg integrated?

Or, should do I have to bring in the jpeg-6x myself?

If I need to bring in the jpeg-6x myself, should I
install it within the ext/gd sub-dir?

Thing wanted to do: create a separate thumbnail jpeg
file from an org. jpeg file.  Any better idea?

Please advice.

Thanks in advanced.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Wo Chang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 23, 2002 2:33 PM
Subject: how can php applications use session control to track multiple users?

Dear Experts,

I know you can use session_register to register varialbes,
but how do you use sessions for multiple users?


$valid_user = $username; // let's say $username has "JSmith"

but if another user (SWhite) logins, then the valid_user now
has the value of "SWhite" and the earlier user "JSmith" is
gone.  So, how do you make the sessions looks like:


Is this the way how people usually implment to track multiple

Any hints would be greatly appreciated!


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