Ben Whitehead wrote:
Having looked at it, it seems to be along the lines of what I was thinking
of... I would be very grateful if you could post the code, since I do think
it will be very useful. The main difference I was thinking of was to have a
menu in the form of a page of links, rather than a drop-down menu, but
having seen that, I would much prefer the drop-down menu approach!!!

Thanks very much, Ben.

Sorry I didn't get to this in a while -- had to fix my filters :)

Anyhow, the functions that I used to create my drop down box :

function getSubDir($rootdirpath) {
        if ($dir = @opendir($rootdirpath))
           $array[] = $rootdirpath;
           while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false)
              if (is_dir($rootdirpath."/".$file)
                  && $file != "." && $file != "..")
                  $array = array_merge($array,getSubDir($rootdirpath."/".$file));
        return $array;
function getFiles($dirname) {
         while ($file = readdir($handle))
         return $result_array;

The first function returns all the subdirs in a directory (given as $rootdirpath).

The second functions returns an array of all files in a directory.

Simply combine these two functions to get a listing of all files in subdirectories :

$subdirs = getSubDir("/path/to/main"); //no trailing /
array_shift($subdirs); //gets rid of the parent dir
$count = 0;
while (list(,$val) = each($subdirs)) {
$files[substr(strrchr($val,"/"),1,strlen(strrchr($val,"/")))] = getFiles($val);
$count += count(getFiles($val));

This while loop gets a list of all the files and counts the total number of files in the subdirs. The list of files is in an array called $files.

Now, to build the drop down :

 while(list($key,$val) = each($files)) {
        echo "<option value=\"NULL\" >Section $key :</option>\n";
        while(list(,$name) = each ($val))
                echo "<option value=\"$key/$name\" > -=> ";
                echo substr($name,0,strlen($name)-4);
                echo "</option>\n";
         echo "<option value=\"NULL\" ></option>\n"; // space

I hope this helps you out. Let me know if you can't understand anything :)

Burhan Khalid

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