> Randum Ian wrote:
> [ snip ]
>> Hi Burhan,
>> I wasn't wanting to highlight anything like that, I am writing a guide
>>  which will be printed out in colour and wanted to highlight the code 
>> appropriately. Thanks for replying.
>> Regards, Ian.
> Apologies Ian -- I am still on first cup of coffee.
> I don't suppose there is a standard scheme for highlighting such 
> matters, but I think that since its dealing with PHP, you would be 
> better off sticking with the default color highlighting that comes with
> PHP.
> To find out what colors are used for what, check your friendly php.ini
> :)
> Again, I apologize for my rash post earlier.
> --
> Burhan Khalid
> phplist[at]meidomus[dot]com

Don't worry about it mate, I understand how p***** off experienced coders 
can get with the young ones!

I have had a look at the phpinfo() file and it has come up with what it 
uses to highlight code so I might as well just use that!

Regards, Ian.

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