"limiter" is the maximum number of limbs, not the max random number. A limb, 
according to the GMP documentation, is " the part of a multi-precision number 
that fits in a single word. (We chose this word because a limb of the human 
body is analogous to a digit, only larger, and containing several digits.) 
Normally a limb contains 32 or 64 bits."

There's a comment on php.net/gmp_random about this

On Friday 30 May 2003 12:10 am, Marius wrote:
>   I tried
>   <?
>   $random = gmp_intval(gmp_random(10));
>   echo $random;
>   ?>
>   <?
>   $random = gmp_random(10);
>   $random = gmp_strval($random);
>   echo $random;
>   ?>
>   but it echoes realy big numbers like 36324613454671


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