Dear all,

i installed java jdk 1.4 and php 4.3.2
i tried to use java in php

i edited the php.ini as follows

java.class.path = c:\php\extensions\php_java.jar
java.home = C:\j2sdk1.4.1_01
java.library = C:\j2sdk1.4.1_01\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll
java.library.path = c:\php\extensions

and test it with following codes and it works (the code copy from
  // get instance of Java class java.lang.System in PHP
  $system = new Java('java.lang.System');

  // demonstrate property access
  print 'Java version='.$system->getProperty('java.version').' <br>';
  print 'Java vendor=' .$system->getProperty('java.vendor').' <br>';
  print 'OS='.$system->getProperty('').' '.
              $system->getProperty('os.version').' on '.
              $system->getProperty('os.arch').' <br>';

  // java.util.Date example
  $formatter = new Java('java.text.SimpleDateFormat',
                        "EEEE, MMMM dd, yyyy 'at' h:mm:ss a zzzz");

  print $formatter->format(new Java('java.util.Date'));


however the problem is when i first run this page in IE, it works
i click the reflesh button, it works
but if i closed the IE, and load the page in a new broswer,
it show "Fatal error: Unable to create Java Virtual Machine"
i have to restart the apache server to get it work again, so what is going on?


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