
This _still_ doesn't seem to work with Linux/Apache2. I have no problems 
with Apache 1.3.27. Have been running Apache/php for years, but I have been 
unable to get php to work with apache2 except as a cgi.

I have now tried both --with-apxs2 and --with-apxs2filter. Neither appear to 
work. Useing --with-apxs2 I get segfaults (seen in error_log), and the 
server won't even serve up plain html, though server-info and server-status 
do work! Useing --with-apxs2filter, I just get a save-file dialog box, 
offering to save the source. 

I do note one apparent error in all the documentation I can find; the module 
is listed as sapi_apache2.c rather than mod_php4.c (as it is under apache 
1.3.x). So rather than using <IfModule mod_php4.c> you need to use <IfModule 
sapi_apache2.c> to activate module specific actions. This _does_ work, and 
the module _is_ loading, as server info reflects the setting of PHPINIdir 
and php_admin_flag settings made in httpd.conf. 

Below is the end of my Apache config file, everything before the AddType was 
added just to see if I could get environment changes to show up in server-
info, which they do. BTW, Apache compiled as pre-fork, just to make things 
as easy as possible.

<IfModule sapi_apache2.c>
  php_value include_path ".:/usr/local/lib/php"
  php_admin_flag safe_mode on
  PHPINIDir /usr/local/lib
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

The most recent effort was compiled with _no_ extra functionality addded to 
php. I usually add gd and mysql at a minimum. Apache was compiled with --
enable-so, have been doing it this way since the first install of 1.3.x.

I have tried searching for any info on what the problem might be, but 
everything I've found on the web seems to say I've been doing things 
correctly. Would really like to get this working! :)

I have suspected that with apache2filter, php is never getting to see the 
pages. Possibly this has something to do with the fact that the module is 
known as sapi_php4 rather than mod_php4? I'm reaching I guess.

On 29 May 2003 at 15:05, Jani Taskinen wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
>   After a lengthy QA process, PHP 4.3.2 is finally out!  This maintenance
>   release solves a lot of bugs found in earlier PHP versions and is a
>   *strongly* recommended upgrade for all PHP users.
>   PHP 4.3.2 contains, among others, following important fixes, additions and
>   improvements:
>    * Fixes several potentially hazardous integer and buffer overflows.
>    * Fixes for several 64-bit problems.
>    * New Apache 2.0 SAPI module (sapi/apache2handler, enabled with --with-apxs2).
>    * New session_regenerate_id() function. 
>      (Important feature against malicious session planting).
>    * Improvements to dba extension.
>    * Improvements to thttpd SAPI module.
>    * Dropped support for GDLIB version 1.x.x (php_gd.dll) on Windows.
>    * An unix man page for CLI version of PHP.
>    * New "disable_classes" php.ini option to allow administrators to disable
>      certain classes for security reasons.
>    * ..and huge amount other bug fixes
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