
Your pattern should look like:
$pattern = "([[:digit:]]{6}0425\.jpg)";


This will give you the image name, but remember that ereg works on single lines and also the image might be taken at some time around 4:25. So you need a while loop to read the html line by line, in the loop try to match the pattern, and if the pattern succeeds (first few lines and last 2 lines are just html junk), check if it is close enough to 4:25. Then break the while loop and display the image.

I'll look into this - 04:25 has been a constant for the months I've been watching this, but I'll work out a routine to check if this changes as you suggest. And thanks for the explanation of ereg() - that will help.

And Jay,

Was that really a line break after $URLbase = ? (Probably not, but just
checking) ...

nah, just line wrapping in the email

Try adding a 'b' to your fopen ...

fopen($URLbase, "rb")

... in the event that you're dealing with a Windows platform.

I presume from the forward slashes in $URLbase that I'm dealing with just such a platform, so I've added the b (and looked up what it means). Good tip.

Thanks for such quick and effective help, guys! What a great resource.


Michael Allan wrote:
New to the list, so I hope I'm in the right place.
I'm trying to write a small php function which checks a page filled with a list of satellite images of earth, and loads the latest one to have been taken at 4:25 in the morning, when the view is most complete (full credit to be given to the original source, of course ... I'm not pretending to be running a satellite here).
Here's what I've got so far:
$URLbase = "";;
if (!($fp = fopen($URLbase, "r")))
echo "<p style=color:white>Could not open the url</p>";
$contents = fread($fp, 1000000);
$pattern = (^[[:digit:]]{6}0425\.jpg$);

if (eregi($pattern, $contents, $fullviews))
$latestfullview = end($fullviews);
echo "<img src=\"".$URLbase.$latestfullview."\" width=\"470\""
." alt=\"Earth from the GMS-5 satellite above the Timor strait\" \\>";
echo "<p style=color:white>No image available</p>";
The error I'm getting points to the fclose($fp) line, but whether or not that's the culprit I don't know. (What little java I've written has taught me that the effects of an error can be registered far from it's source - perhaps the url isn't properly formed for the fopen() function?)
I've tested the regex, and it returns true for a jpg file named with a 10 digit number ending in 0425 (eg. 0305110425.jpg) as it should, but not for eg. <a href="0305110425.jpg">0305110425.jpg</a>, which is the sort of code in which the file name is embedded in the page I'm asking it to search, so I guess there's a problem here. Am I understanding the caret and dollar signs correctly, as respectively indicating the start and end of the search string? Or do they refer to the token being searched?
I want to add more functionality to the script yet (load a default image and email the webmaster when no image is found, date and time of the image capture, etc.) but I need to get at least this much working to start off with.
Any suggestions? I'm still new to this, so feel free to mention the most obvious mistakes as well as any more subtle ones.
I'm working locally on Mac OS X if that makes any difference.
Many thanks,

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