I got the same error some time ago, and I almost went nuts trying to find
the cause of this seemingly "insoluble" problem. But it has actually nothing
at all to do with your script or the max_file_size in PHP or the one you
give with the HTML form. Those are offcourse 2 limits which are important,
but there's another limit that counts here, and it's around 1Mb for

I can't recall how it was exactly done, but it's some default
max_body_request or something in Linux or Apache (thought it was Linux
though, I encountered the problem on a Redhat distribution, but someone else
fixed it for me).. Try looking in Linux's or Apache's settings...

"MauríCio Valente" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schreef in bericht
> Hello everybody!
> I'm trying to upload a file using the move_uploaded_file function,
> works fine when the files have less than 1MB but when I upload one more
> this, IE returns the error The page cannot be displayed and in it's title
> shows Cannot find server. I alreary edit php.ini setting
> to 8388608 (8M), post_max_size = 8388608 and file_uploads = On
> is 8388608 too).
> Someone could help me?
> Thanks in advance!
> Maurício Valente

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