I'd start by adding the mysql_error() function in your die() statement...
$result = mysql_query($sql,$connection) or die ("Couldn't get results: " . 

it might give more information to help you find the problem...

At 10:15 AM 3/8/01 -0800, Nicole Lallande wrote:
>I keep getting the message that I cannot get results.  I have a simple
>user authentication code that uses a mysql database to authenticate
>from.  Initially I had the code working when I had the mysql_connect
>variables in the code itself.  When I moved the connection variables to
>an include file and then called them as variables, it was necessary to
>change the variable names in the database (both were initially
>$username, $password).  Now, while I have the connection and opening the
>db correct I can't get results.  Here is my code:
>$connection = mysql_connect("$hostname","$username","$password") or die
>("Unable to connect to database.");
>echo "I'm connected.<br>";
>**__A-OK here
>mysql_select_db("dnaUsers") or die ("Unable to select database.");
>echo "I've opened the dnaUsers db.<br>";
>echo "$ruser, $rpass<br>"; //this is from the html login form
>**__Yup, no problem so far -
>// Formulate the query
>$sql = "SELECT rep_name FROM reps WHERE username='$ruser' and
>// Execute the query and put the results in $result
>$result = mysql_query($sql,$connection) or die ("Couldn't get
>**__Here it is - crash and burn - the database name is correct, the
>fields are correct, the username and password are in the db and have
>been input correctly and are even being passed from the form correctly.
>I have checked the names of all the fields to ensure they match the
>variables in the query, checked that the values in the fields are
>correct -  (yes, I have checked that they match.)
>I have searched the archives but the hard thing about the archives is
>formulating the question in a way that will yield an answer.  Sorry if
>this has been asked before.
>Nicole Lallande
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