What this message means?

What it is the error?

Warning: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result
resource in f:\.....\none.php on line 42

This is the code.

Thanks very much.



if (eregi("block-Concurso.php", $PHP_SELF)) {
    Header("Location: index.php");

$usemarquee = 1;
$scrolldirection = "left";

global $prefix, $multilingual, $currentlang, $dbi;

$sql = "DELETE FROM ".$prefix."_anuncios WHERE datafim<NOW()";
sql_query($sql, $dbi);

if ($multilingual == 1) {
    $querylang = "WHERE (alanguage='$currentlang' OR alanguage='')";
} else {
    $querylang = "";
$result = "SELECT categoria, nombre, datafim FROM ".$prefix."_anuncios ORDER
BY datafim LIMIT 0,30";
sql_query($result, $dbi);
$content = "<table  width=\"100%\" border=\"0\">";
$content .="<center> <STYLE=\"text-decoration: none\"><font
color=\"#666666\"><b>Últimos 10 Concursos</b></center>";
$content .= "<Marquee Behavior=\"Scroll\" Direction=\"$scrolldirection\"
$width=\"100%\" ScrollAmount=\"3\" ScrollDelay=\"90\"
onMouseOver=\"this.stop()\" onMouseOut=\"this.start()\">";

\\ line 42
while (list($categoria, $nombre, $datafim, $counter) =
mysql_fetch_row($result, $dbi)) {

$content .= "<img src=blocks/images/diamond.gif>&nbsp;<a
href=\"modules.php?name=Concurso\"><font color=\"#096C88\"><b>$categoria
<br> $nombre</b></a>&nbsp;";


$content .= "</table>";


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