On Thu, 12 Jun 2003, Per Jessen wrote:
> Shouldn't the following work - or rather why doesn't it :
>         ignore_user_abort(0);
>         for( $i=100; $i; $i-- )
>         {
>                 if ( connection_status() ) exit(0);
>                 print " blurp.<br/>"; flush();
>                 sleep(1);
>         }
>         print "Done.<br/>";
> This is php4.3.2 on apache 2.0.45.

What does it do?  Using connection_status() in a script that doesn't
ignore user aborts is pretty useless.  The script will abort on the print
and never get to the connection_status() line so your code doesn't
actually make any sense.  And, beyond that, all bets are off for
Apache-2.0.x.  No real extensive testing has been done on that platform
which is why we don't suggest running it in production because stuff like
this is likely to be broken even if you got your code right.


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