
On 06/12/2003 02:32 PM, Diana wrote:
I totally agree with your first sentence *grin*.
Anyways, I won`t be able to use your class because my
server is kind of "locked" in their network, meaning I
don`t have the possibility to connect outside, only to
their servers (NT servers). And as Exchange servers
don`t use SMTP (meaning the whole protocol is NOT
used, so your classes won`t help me), I`m not able to
send mails at all. Only like he offered me to put an
extra box in the network which will relay the mails
from my linux server.

That will do.

Does anyone know about the way exchange servers work,
mapi and mapisend? The only thing I found was how to
program that in VB (and being able to talk to Exchange
servers), but it seems like this is not possible for
my penguin :) (VB on Linux??? sounds stupid)

No, that will not work on Linux because you do not have COM object support, which is a Windows thing.


Manuel Lemos

just today I stumbled into the same problem. It is
true, I got this answer from an expert:

"Unfortunately this will not work. SMTP relaying


disabled on all the
Exchange connector servers and a standard Exchange
mailbox server does not
support SMTP. The only way that you can send SMTP
email from within our company is to use the Internal MailSweeper.


to allow this we need the IP
Address of the box that will be sending the


so that we can include
it in the authenticated list. We have to have


set up this way for
Security reasons.

One other thing I should have mentioned. Outlook


mapi to send on the
Exchange servers. So we can use the mapisend


but I do not know if
your application would support this. I think that
this may also need a
valid Outlook profile to work."

I don`t understand that either, because I am

trying to

use my Linux server (inside my companys network)


deliver mails to the exchange server via sendmail.

If anyone knows more about this topic, let me
know.....sorry that this obviously does not belong


a php list, but I deleted the original email &


not find the email address of the author of this



I wonder about his expertise. Authentication was meant for security reasons.

Anyway, you do no not need to relay in the company
SMTP server unless outside access is blocked in some firewall.

If you are using Linux, you just need to use the
mail() function because it just uses sendmail by default.

If you still have problems, just use the classes
that I mentioned enabling direct delivery mode in the SMTP sending
attributes. That does the same as sendmail but at least if it fails you
can enable debugging to see what the SMTP protocol dialog reveals.

--- Manuel Lemos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb: >


On 06/10/2003 04:44 PM, Matthias Wulkow wrote:

a friend of mine is trying to set up an automated

mailing function.

The platform is Windows & he's using the last PHP

release at this

He asks me how to do it with Exchange, because it

doesn't speak SMTP

or not correctly? What is the matter? Is that

true? But that's not

really the question... could somebody point me to

some documents where

I could find out, what has to be done to make it


I do not see what he means by not speaking SMTP
correctly. Anyway, if it receives e-mail that you get, it also can relay
messages that you send. I think in the worst case you need to


In that case you may want to try this class for
composing and sending messages. It comes with a sub class for sending
messages via SMTP that supports authentication.


You also need this class for the actual message



Manuel Lemos

Free ready to use OOP components written in PHP

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