Hi, i just finished my first really big project and when it went live
the servers just flipped out, 100% CPU Load.
Removing all includes and pasting all libraries together seemed to do
the trick, CPU went back to normal.

My Question:
What can i do to speed up includes, i hate working on a file with 45 KB
Sourcecode in it.
Not to speak of pasting the libs to every single Script that makes use
of them.

I tested on a system with the Zend Optimizer installed, the Servers
running the live application do not have the encoder, but i noticed the
lags caused by the includes on the test system too.

tks in advance!

Grüße aus dem schönen Kleve
Jens Kisters

rosomm et partner
Agentur für neue Medien GmbH
Dienstleistungszentrum am
Weißen Tor - Eingang B
Gocher Landstrasse 2
47551 Kleve / Bedburg-Hau

Telefon: 02821 - 97856-20
Telefax: 02821 - 97856-77

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