. matches any character except newline by default, use s modifier:
preg_match("/<!--start_tag-->(.*)<!--end_tag-->/s", $data, $Match)

Ron Dyck wrote:
I need to match text between two html comment tags.

I'm using: preg_match("/<!--start_tag-->(.*)<!--end_tag-->/", $data, $Match)

Which work fine until I have carriage returns. The following doesn't match:

<!--start_tag--> Nullam auctor pellentesque sem. Aenean semper. Aenean magna
justo, rutrum et, consequat a, vehicula non, arcu.

Mauris cursus vulputate pede. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis
parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit.<!--end_tag-->

Appreciate you help.

Ron Dyck

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