> I am trying to create an associative array dynamically. 
> Here's what I did first:
>  $form_val_list = 
> "firstname,lastname,address,address2,city,state,zip,phone,emai
> l,resume";
>  $form_arr = explode (",", $form_val_list);
>   while (list ($key, $val) = each ($form_arr))
>   {
>        echo "$key is $val<br>";
>   }
> This doesn't do the trick, as it creates a regular array with 
> values from my list, as in form_array['1'] = "firstname"; 
> whereas I need form_array['firstname']
> Is this possible without being overly complicated? Thanks.

You need to assign a value to that element.  This would work:

$assocArray = array();
$assocArray[firstname] = $someVal;
$assocArray[lastname] = $someVal;

Alternately, you can do:

$assocArray = array( "firstname" => $someVal, "lastname" => $someVal );


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