Hi lists ( and all the guys trying to help me)


SORRY, I oversimplified my examples that I posted in the hope that I
would get to the solution faster.

What i failed to mention in my stupidity, was that I echoed the variable
as the value of a form input text field, so I actually messed up the
HTML, and I just realized it, and a simple $var = htmlspecialchars($var)
does the trick beautifully.

Sorry guys, I really should have known better than to post stripped down
code as the problem is usually a simple thing like this...

Just for the by-and-by, my previous claims to having a "perfectly
working" application before upgrading to 4.3.1 was also then a load of
bull, and I only realized now that my app had this bug in it all the

Just goes to show.

Anyway, I deserve a good flaming for this one! 

I'm ready;)

On Wed, 2003-06-18 at 14:39, Chris Hayes wrote:
> (cutted the part about sending a var as get)
> >page.php?my_var=whatever+whatever++%5C%22whatever+whatever%5C%22&next_var=blabla
> ok so here the variable is still complete, including slashes and quotes.
> >And now, on page.php
> >
> >If I do an
> >
> >echo stripslashes($my_var);
> >
> >I get exactly this:
> >
> >whatever whatever \
> i get better results with
> echo stripslashes(urldecode($_GET['my_var']));
> (or in your version
> echo stripslashes(urldecode($my_var));
> )
> this even though Marek  said "Incomming GET values are urldecoded 
> automaticaly, no need to do this." (this=urldecode)

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