I'm having a problem configuring my web server to redirect 404 errors to
a custom error page. It almost looks like the PHP parser is getting hold
of the request before apache has checked to see if the file exists.

It works fine if you request an unknown page on the server that isn't
a PHP script, but fails if it is.


        Displays the custom error page
        Logs:   [Fri Jun 20 14:25:51 2003] [error] [client X.X.X.X]
                File does not exist:

http://www.jeamland.org/blah.html (or blah.php)
        Displays a browser generated 404 error page
        Logs: [client] script not found or unable to stat

Here's most of my virtualhost configuration, any thoughts appreciated!



<VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerName www.jeamland.org
        DocumentRoot /spool/web/www.jeamland.org/html

        php_value include_path ".:/opt/php/lib/php"
        php_value auto_prepend_file none
        php_value auto_append_file none

        ErrorDocument 404 /_error.html

        <Directory /spool/web/www.jeamland.org/html>
                AddType application/x-httpd-php .html
                php_value include_path ".:/spool/web/www.jeamland.org/lib"
                php_value auto_prepend_file header.php
                php_value auto_append_file footer.php

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