I have a file, current.txt, that at the start has only the digit 1 in it.  Here is my 

$current = readfile('setupData/current.txt');

foreach ($HTTP_POST_VARS as $index => $value) {
        $index = $HTTP_POST_VARS['$index'];

$info = fopen("postInfo/{$current}-{$dateFile}.txt", 'w');
fwrite($info, "$author\n$email\n$dateActual");

$entry = fopen("postEntries/{$current}-{$dateFile}.txt", 'w');
fwrite($entry, $body);

$currPost = fopen('setupData/current.txt', 'w');
fwrite($currPost, $current + 1);
echo $current;

Two files are created in seperate folders, each with the same name, the current number 
in current.txt, a dash, then a series of numbers and letters that represent the 
current date and time exactly.  That happens correctly, but then the number inside of 
current.txt is supposed to increment.  Every pair created should be the next number, a 
dash, then the date and time.  It will increment once to 2, but all created files are 
1- and nothing else happens no matter how much I do it.  What went wront?


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