Nothing appears blatently wrong in the code you provided, but it's 4am here, so I might be off.

This comes to my mind:
1. $_REQUEST was available from PHP 4.1.0 and later, are you using somthing before that?
2. I assume you're doing somthing with $e_id within your loop, or else you're just resetting the contents of it.
3. You might want to try print_r($_REQUEST) to see if it contains what you think it contains.

George Pitcher wrote:

Hi all,

This might be well known, so apologies if I'm going over old ground - I've
not seen this explained this way.

Last year I did a site using the variable variables method to parse row

Now that I've moved to globals=off, I couldn't get that to work so I tried a
few other options settling for the following:

('howmany' is the number of form rows on the previous page)

$howmany = $_REQUEST['howmany'];
for ($index = 1; $index < $howmany; $index++){
  $e_id = 'e_id'.$index;
  $e_id = $_REQUEST[$e_id];

Then do something with it.

Hope this helps someone.

George in Oxford

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