Summary: I have to create a word document on the fly. what's the best way to 
go about it?

Okay so I have a client that would like something output to a word document. I 
already have HTML and PDF versions... I'm trying to figure out the best way 
to do this. I am already aware of the open html in word hack. The way I see 
it, these are my choices:

1)      Use the hack that I'm really don't like. It never looks quite right (which 
is the whole point of this).
2)      Move everything over to a windows host and use COM.
3)      Somehow convice host (hurricane electric) to run PHP5 CVS w/ Sterling's 
mono extension, and use .net to create the word document (does mono support 
that class yet?). I hate C#. VB is even worse.
4)      Find an open-source library that writes word documents (quick search 
revealed nothing...), write an extension for php.
5)      Find a spec for word docs and write a library in php
6)      find a spec and write a library in c, then create php extension. I'm 
willing to do this, but it would take a long time...
7)      Tell my boss to sod off (politely, though), it's not currently feasible... 
I think this is what he's expecting, anyways.

So, does anyone have any suggestions/comments? Anyone know where I could find 
a library (in c or php) or a spec? I'm kinda thinking aloud here hoping 
someone will prod me in the right direction...


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