On Jun 25, 2003, "Ow Mun Heng" claimed that:

|Hi PHP'ers,
|       I've got a question regarding the input of (multiple) data into
|mysql through PHP.
|If there is already an entry in the database, then an mysql will generate an
|error 1062 stating that the entry is a duplicate. (This will happen only if
|I input the data through mySQL using xterm, if I use PHP, then I only get
|the 'duplicate entry found', partly cause I don't know how to get the error
|code as well as the duplicate entry returned to PHP to be output'ed to the
|Below is my code. $my_query is concatenated from an array.
|$my_query = $my_query.
|$query = "INSERT INTO pioneer(serial_no,dcm,supplier,fa_timestamp) VALUES
|$result = mysql_db_query('tracker',$query);
|if ($result)
|echo "<br><br>".mysql_affected_rows()." Drives & DCM combo inserted into
|echo "\n<br><br>Duplicate entry found. Data not inserted.";
|Can anyone help me out?
|Mun Heng, Ow
|H/M Engineering
|Western Digital M'sia
|DID : 03-7870 5168
Registered Linux user #304026.
"lynx -source http://jharris.rallycentral.us/jharris.asc | gpg --import"
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