> [snip]
> Like I said, I need a web host.
> It MUST support PHP, mySQl and sending emails, optional.
> It shouldn't have any ads (pop-ups, ads), but I will allow if it has
> watermarks (SMALL! watermarks).
> It should be TOTALY FREE!
> [/snip]

Not that we really want to attract losers who can't use Google, but if you are looking for a free* ($1 by snail mail) web hosting / shell account you should look at www.freeshell.org.

Web hosting / email / php / ssh just cost that initial $1.

MySQL database is $20 per year. There are a bunch of other features too. This service is aimed at UNIX users. There is no advertising or popups whatsoever. Has a good UNIX community.

Good / Cheap way to host PHP scripts.

Sorry for the advertisement.

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