I have error reporting turned off in my php.ini file on my production
server.  I have an app I'm writing that I need to run on the same server (no
one can see it though).  Anyway.  I want to turn on error reporting during
runtime for this particular app while I'm debugging it.  so I put
error_reporting (E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE); in the script,
but I don;t see any warnings.  I also tried error_reporting(2047); or
error_reporting(8);  still nothing.  To sest it, I tried to echo some random
variable that doesn't exist in the very next line, but no warning about it.
So what gives?  What am I doing wrong?  Basicaly I want the same effect as
if I had error_reporting  =  E_ALL set in php.ini.

- Anthony

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