I have the following code:

$sql = "UPDATE class_sub SET desc = '$catdesc', sub_cat = '$subcatname' WHERE id='$catid'";
echo $sql;
$sql_result = mysql_query($sql);
if (!$sql_result)
{ echo "<P>Couldn't update record!<br></p>";
echo mysql_error();
} else
header("Location: index.php"); /* Redirect browser */
} here is the actual sql statement:
UPDATE class_sub SET desc = 'Come play with us! This class is designed to challenge your cardiovascular and muscular endurance. Participants will work or \"play\" in different activities such as team exercises, sprints, obstacle courses, cycling, plyometrics, and core conditioning. Challenge yourself like never before!', sub_cat = 'Recess' WHERE id='4'

And the error:

Couldn't update record!

You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'desc = 'Come play with us! This class is designed to challenge your cardiovascul' at line 1

the table is setup ok, i can INSERT data just fine.
If i remove "desc = whatever" from the sql statement it works fine. It will update all fields in the table except "desc". Now for the life of me I cannot see a problem here. Could someone please give a pointer in the right direction.


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