On Jun 25, 2003, "Floyd Baker" claimed that:

|I have a routine creating a pdf file.  Here is the script that works
|on the win98 dev box.   But when I upload it to the linux online, it
|does not work.
|It stops at 'create handle'.  Can someone please tell me why?
|   while($row = mysql_fetch_array($mysql_result)){
|       $name1 = $row['name1'];
|       $name2 = $row['name2'];
|       $addr1 = $row['addr1'];
|       $addr2 = $row['addr2'];
|       $city = $row['city'];
|       $stat = $row['stat'];
|       $zipc = $row['zipc'];
|       $phone = $row['phone'];}
|   unlink('f:/localhost/adobe/' . $cocode . '_info.pdf');
|// create handle for new PDF document
|   pdf_delete($pdf);
|   $pdf = pdf_new();
|// open a file
|   pdf_open_file($pdf, 'f:/localhost/adobe/' . $cocode . '_info.pdf');
|I do change the 'f:/localhost' to https://xx.xx.xx,xx when uploaded.
|Any thoughts will be greatly appreciated...  TIA
Not sure you can unlink a file by https:// protocol. Make sure that it's
pointing correctly to a file for which httpd has write permissions.

"unlink('f:/localhost/adobe/' . $cocode . '_info.pdf');'
"unlink('/usr/local/httpd/htdocs/' . $cocode . '_info.pdf');

Registered Linux user #304026.
"lynx -source http://jharris.rallycentral.us/jharris.asc | gpg --import"
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