Hi Michael,
Yes I do! Take a look at the code snippet below:

echo "<select name=something>";
$level2 = $db->execute("select typename from types");
       do {
           echo "<option value=$value>$value</option>";
        } while (!$level2->EOF);
echo "</select>";

Just change the query in the 2nd line of the code to the 
desired query. You'll see the result ;-)
Best of luck,
Ahmad Anvari da Code Guru
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: RealGM 
  Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 4:21 PM
  Subject: [PHP] Combo Box containing field


  Does anyone know how I can create a combo box in my php file that reads the options 
in from a database field?

  I can create combo boxes fine containing values that I enter, but I want it to read 
the values from the database into the drop down box for the user to select.


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