Hi All,

Quickie Question... Possibly a silly one; but it would make my life easier if it works!

I know that with a SELECT MULTIPLE, you have to use the convention: NAME="$varName[]" 
to get all of the responses into a nice neat array.  I'm wondering about the mechanism 
behind this - is it simply doing a behind-the-scenes "$varName[] = X;", "$varName[] = 
Y;", "$varName[] = Z;"....  operation to dynamically generate the array?  (Note: this 
is not my main question - keep reading. :-P )

If so, then it would follow that it's also possible to do something like this:

<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="$varArray[1]">
<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="$varArray[2]">
<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="$varArray[3]">

And get a nice array with your text values.  Anyone know if this (A) works and (B) is 
not actually just some undefined behavior that's risky to use?  

Thanks!  Take care,


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