On Sat, 28 Jun 2003 15:10:03 -0500, you wrote:

>Since I want to more more into programming than design, can anyone 
>recommend where to learn how to make sure your code is clean, optimized and 
>as error-free as it can get? Even if it is the style of how to write the 
>code, please let me know....I know noone can be the perfect programmer, but 
>I would at least like to be a decent programmer :)

I'd just like to put in a word for refactoring - improving working code
without adding new functionality - as a learning tool. Take a script you
wrote a few months back, read the code, then write it again. Try to identify
common functionality and extract it into external functions to be reused.
Make functions more generic, remove magic numbers. Seperate business logic
and display elements. Consider what could go wrong, and how your script will
fail when it does.

You might be surprised at how much of an improvement you can make just
moving from v1 to v2.

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