On Jun 28, 2003, "Ron Clark" claimed that:

|OK, normally I do not respond to my own posts, but I have been shown that I
|did not get the whole script. So here it is:
|for ($i=0; $i<$number_of_alerts; $i++) {
|// Split each line
|$line = explode(" ", $ipfwlog[$i]);
|$line[1] = intval($line[1]);
|$IPFWsql = "INSERT INTO Firewall_Logs (month, date, time, fw_name, kernel,
|fw_engine, rule_number, action, protocol, src_ip_port, dst_ip_port,
|direction, via, interface) VALUES ('$line[0]', '$line[1]', '$line[2]',
|'$line[3]', '$line[4]', '$line[5]', '$line[6]','$line[7]', '$line[8]',
|'$line[9]', '$line[10]', '$line[11]', '$line[12]')";
|$results = mysql_query($IPFWsql) or die ("Could not execute query");
|Again, any help with this issue is appreciated.

|Ron Clark

Could it be the fact that 1) `date` and `time` are reserved mysql keywords
and should be enclosed in back ticks, and 2) you're listing 14 columns
and adding 13 values?

Registered Linux user #304026.
"lynx -source http://jharris.rallycentral.us/jharris.asc | gpg --import"
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