> > You'll have to learn to adjust then I guess. And do those 2k really
> > matter? Come on...  Just get a good mailer that defaults to 
> > "Reply-All"
> > (like, mutt, pine, pcpine)
> Some of us don't have the choice -- we work in a corporate or institutional 
> environment where the decision is made centrally.  (Hence M$ Outlook 98 here!!!)

There is a setting in MSOutlook/MSOE to wrap your lines, say, at 62 or

I don't remember my experiences with MSOE on Mac very well, but MSOE on
MSW2k had little triangles on buttons in various places. If you hit the
button, you got the standard function. If you hit the triangle, you got
a pop-up menu. Pop-up menu for replies included basically all the
potential reply addresses (according to MS judgement of potential reply
addresses). Look around, maybe you can find something like that on
MSOutlook 98.

We had some virus problems here last year, and now MS mail clients are
banned. The company standardized on Becky for the MSWxx boxes, which is
a really nice client, all sorts of features for mailing lists,
newsgroups, etc. The filter setup is a little weird, but it works great.
So I am beginning to forget the "conveniences" of MSOE on MSW2k, as well,
which is not something I mind forgetting.

But I have to admit, I find it puzzling why copy/pasting a mail address
should be considered such an inconvenience. I admit, copy/paste on MSWxx
feels clumsier than on a Mac, but the operations are fundamental to GUI.

I also find it a puzzle why so many companies seem to think that
MSOutlook's advantages outweigh the problems of having to bolt antivirus
on everything (and the occasional slip-through that then proceeds to
dirty entire subnets), but that is a separate topic.

Joel Rees, programmer, Kansai Systems Group
Altech Corporation (Alpsgiken), Osaka, Japan

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