Sorry for the multiple post!! Apparently when pasting I hit some magic send
key.I'd like to calculate the largest member of this array without taking
account the first value which is obvisouly not numeric.

So far this is how I'm doing it, but sometimes I get returned a month for
the max.

$high = end(array_reduce($cdata,
  create_function('$a, $b',
  'return array(max(array_reduce($a, "max"),
  array_reduce($b, "max")));')));

    [0] => Array
            [0] => Jan-99
            [1] => 6399.36
            [2] => 6132.71
            [3] => 2242.20
            [4] => 53.27
            [5] => 87.34

    [1] => Array
            [0] => Feb-99
            [1] => 5754.72
            [2] => 3964.93
            [3] => 6145.98
            [4] => 693.32
            [5] => 23.80

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