On Jul 3, 2003, "Jason Wong" claimed that:

|On Thursday 03 July 2003 19:48, Christian Wach wrote:
|> Just to chime in on the "reply to" thread earlier, Daryl, by hitting "reply
|> all" has now sent his email address to these 401 scamsters as well as the
|> list. Hopefully he'll not suffer any consequences from doing this, but the
|> risk is there.
|A decent mail client would allow you to at least:
| reply (to sender)
| reply (to list)
| reply to all (which means sender, and anyone else on the To: and Cc: fields)
|> Guess which side of the header-munging debate I sympathise with...
|It's a short-coming of your mail client, not the list -- guess which one
|should be changed?

Should people bend to the technology they use, or should the technology be
manipulated to do the people's bidding?

Registered Linux user #304026.
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