I ran this as a script from my Apache and it gave me a beautiful web page
just full of wonderful information!

But I have a question on just 1 item...

Configuration File (piping) Path C:\WINNIT

How does this value get set?

My PHP is installed at 'G:\etc\php'

My php.ini is there as well.

The paths are set (in that ini file) as...

include_path = ".;G:\etc\php\extensions;G:\etc\php\pear"

extension_dir = "G:\etc\php\extensions"

Even My Apache is told to look there as well...

# Windows Win32 version

LoadFile "/etc/php/gnu_gettext.dll"

LoadModule php4_module "/etc/php/sapi/php4apache2.dll"

Action application/x-httpd-php "/etc/php/php.exe"

ScriptAlias /php/ "/etc/php/"

(pls don't comment about there being volume letters missing to this block,

I want to focus on the issue of a path being defined from out of the blue)

Is this being hard coded somewhere?

If so, then why does my PHP work at all?

I have nothing that belongs to PHP in the system directory.

Well, not completely true.

PEAR installed a pear.ini in the system directory itself (I wish it didn't,

but my PEAR not working properly is a different issue.)

Nothing I've read from the web or the documentation has given me any
understand on how this is set and why PHP file are needed in the location
that the says to place them.

I guess, this is a question for the folks who wrote the executables for

Thanks for any help and enlightenment.


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