STOP SPAMING the list. Is your product free of charge/ opensource? NO! If you
are charing for your product and your source is not open, you have no place on
opensource lists.
This is 3rd list you are spamming. Somebody block this free-rider from this list.
BTW, MSAccess can be had for less and you can run it via Wine on Linux with no


> Hi
> Do you want to create, edit, or update your PHP databases remotely within a
> nice Graphic User Interface without having to use your Web Browser, well you
> can do that with Rekall and last week Rekall V2.0.0 was finally released for
> KDE3. QT3-only, Windows and Sharp Zaurus. We even have a run time only
> version so that you can distribute your Rekall applications. Yes, that's
> true, you create applications in much the same way can with MS Access, since
> Rekall is a programmable database client. For more information, tutorials,
> HOWTOs, examples, etc. please visit
> We are pleased to announce the 2.0 release of Rekall, a personal,
> programmable DBMS system for Linux and Windows.  Rekall is the only viable
> alternative to MS Access for Linux. With Rekall you will be able to quickly
> and easily build database applications using Rekall forms and reports. A
> full complement of widgets means that applications built in Rekall will be
> able to have the look and feel of any other application. Rekall applications
> can be extended in their functionality to perform virtually any task via
> embedded Python as a scripting language.
> Ever since the release of dBase many years ago, the idea of a programmable
> DBMS has become increasingly popular. Major systems have been written in
> applications like Paradox and MS Access. By focusing on the database, users
> are able to leverage their business knowledge into working applications. One
> of the limitations of the aforementioned products is that their native
> database didn't scale well or support multiple users very well. Rekall
> avoids this problem by dispensing with a native database.
> The biggest addition to Rekall 2.0.0 is reusable components. Rekall now
> comes with a selection of components that you can use in forms; these
> include standard buttons and navigation tools.
> In addition to these components, you can also construct your own for use as
> often as you want. You can store your components either in the database
> itself, or in a local area in the file system.
> To support reusable components, and to make it easier to script complicated
> forms, Rekall 2.0.0 introduces an Event/Slot mechanism (akin to Qt's
> Signal/Slot mechanism). This allows to place all script code which is
> logically associated with a particular control inside that control, and
> means you can copy or delete the control without worrying about copying or
> cleaning up script code inside other controls.
> Other new features in Rekall 2.0.0 include:
> * Static images can by displayed in forms
> * Data controls can appear in menu-blocks
> * Spin box control
> * Link controls can display multiple colums
> * Link controls can use Queries as well as tables
> * Event logger for debugging
> * Raw SQL window for direct SQL execution
> * Forms, Reports, etc. can run modally
> * Fast table filters for predefined table data display
> * Modal forms can be used as dialog boxes
> * Explanation of queries generated by Rekall
> * Menu and toolbar hiding
> * MySQL and PostgreSQL connections over SSH tunnels (Linux only)
> In addition, Rekall comes with a thorough demonstration database that
> illustrates the various features of the applications.  There are actually
> three copies of the database, one using MySQL, one PostgreSQL and one using
> XBase/XBSQL. Optional drivers are currently available for DB2 and ODBC with
> Oracle9i  coming later this summer (the Windows version is ready now).
> By purchasing Rekall you are getting the source for the application and free
> electronic updates to the core application. You get all supported platforms
> for one price regardless of when they are released. Rekall is priced at
> $79.95 for the physical package and $69.95 for the electronic package.
> Rekall can be purchased from Rekall
> V2.0.0 demo version can be downloaded from by
> selecting downloads from the navigation menu or by clicking on the downloads
> button on the top navigration bar
> .
> Regards
> John
> -- 
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