On Mon, 7 Jul 2003 21:01:40 +0100 (BST), Graham Rule wrote:

>The only place that they are
>available is to PHP scripts run in the relevant directory. 

Which means that if a hacker finds a cross script hack in one of those
directories (ie, if you have a security hole in one of your php
scripts), then it would be possible to access mysql.default_user and
mysql.default_password via ini_get()... wouldn't it?  And yes, I
understand you could turn on safe_mode or turn off the ini_get()

I think the answer is that there isn't a 100% secure way to store
user_id / passwords that can be reconstituted.  Unfortunately, I don't
know what the most secure way to do this would be.  Your way MAY be the
best that we can get, but it kinda give me the heebie jeebies.  :)

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