On Jul 7, 2003, "Micah Montoy" claimed that:

|Well, I redid the code a bit but it is still blowing up with the same error
|message.  I also did the echo bit and it returned "Resource id #10".  What
|ever that is.  At least I know its returning something.  But when I did
|mssql_row_nums($result), it returned the value 0.  I'm not sure if this is
|where its encountering problems or not.  Here is the script that I'm using
|for everything.  I believe the syntax is correct but let me know if you see
|anything out of place.

If the number of rows being returned is zero, what data do you expect to
get? Shouldn't you check to see if the number of rows returned is zero and
produce some other message and stop processing the non-existant results?

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