PHP is designed for rapid development of web applications.  Manipulating
relational database data is not its strong point.  If I had a complicated
database manipulation that could be done within and oracle stored procedure,
and the database was large, or expected to get that way, I would strongly
consider a stored proc, even if there was a simple alternative available via
a short block of php, because the stored proc is going to be faster.

This is no different than someone doing a select statement using a join,
rather than selecting one table in php, iterating through the result set,
and doing follow up select statements.  In each case you would get the same
data, but one method is intrinsically faster than the other.

With that said... as the old saying goes "to the man with a hammer,
everything looks like a nail."  It may be that the interviewer simply knows
oracle better than anything else, and looks to solve all problems with
pl/sql, and oracle does provide the capability to do relatively complete web
applications completely in pl/sql.  

For many people the abilities of pl/sql are irrelevant, because they are not
using oracle as the backend.   

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 12:44 AM
To: phplist
Subject: [PHP] (pas d'objet)

Hi everyone,

I have a doubt, an existential question on the PHP... Yesterday I had an
entrevue for a job and I was quite surprised by the technical director
that told me that he prefers coding PL/SQL subroutines better than in
PHP embedding. The Oracle database on which he works is about 100 Go.
The application is on a web server. It is like a startup structure.
I told him that I prefer doing all the things I can do with PHP better
than in PL/SQL. He told me that all treatments couldn't be done in PHP
because of the size of the database and memory limitation.
I am writing you this mail to know your point of view on that point if
you have time to answer me. What would be then the limit of the PHP
coding ? For such a database what would be the right parametrization of
the PHP.ini ? is there only a right parametrization for such database ?
Does anyone have some information on that limitation of the PHP ? any
article ?

Thanks in advance for your answers and time.


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