
if this is really a silly problem dont blame me, i'm a newbie in php (but i'm 
experienced in c++ a bit :-)
well, imagine i want to write a content of some text file word by word. example will 
be more understandable 
than my english:
let file.txt consists:
lenin lives
i want my php script to write to the screen:
I tried to manage this using fscanf function. i expected it works same as in c, but it 
looks it doesnt. consider 
the code:
while (fscanf($file,"%s",$buffer)==1)
        echo $buffer,"<br>";
the result:
just like fscanf moved the file pointer to the next line after reading "lenin". i dont 
know whats up... why "lives" 
disappeared??? i know i can try using fgets and then split the string, but i want to 
know why fscanf doesnt 
work... :-)
could anyone explain me this phenomena?

best regards,
jakub zytka

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