see the set_time_limit(); function

increase to around a minute or make the mailbox read them back in pages with 10 at a time for example


Amer Neely wrote:
I've a script reading a mailbox using
$InBox = imap_open($Host,$User,$Pass);
for ($i=1; $i <= $NumMsgs; $i++)
$Header=imap_header($InBox,$i); # this is line 154
and so on.

With 12 messages in the mailbox this works fine, but with 15 it comes
back as timed out...
[08-Jul-2003 12:32:46] PHP Fatal error:  Maximum execution time of 30
seconds exceeded in g:\httpd\public\readmail\readmail.php on line 154

I'm running this at home (W2K/Apache/PHP 4.3.2) on a dialup account. Can
someone shed some light on why it may be timing out, and where do I
increase the timeout if needed? Or optimize the code if possible?

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