I have a script that contains style sheets and I can't seem to link it on my 
Windows 2000 IIS server.  It works perfectly fine on my Windows XP IIS server.
 Here is what I am trying to do.  The index.php file (which links to the style 
sheets) is located in the MyScript folder and inside that folder is another 
folder called themes (where the style sheets are located).  I am doing the 
following, which works fine on a Windows XP IIS server, but not my Windows 

// Path to script files (absolute file path)
$HomeDir = "c:/inetpub/wwwroot/MyScript/";

// Name of style folder
$ThemeFolder = "default";

//--- Then later in the page, I link the style sheet like this ---//
echo "
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' 

Like I said before, the style sheets load up fine on my Windows XP IIS server, 
but not the Windows 2000.  In order to get it to work on the Windows 2000 IIS 
server, I have to link the style sheets relative to the folder I am working 
in, but I want to be able to move certain files into other directories without 
manually linking each one, so that's why I am linking them from the absolute 
home directory.

Is there some setting in the php.ini file that deals with this?  If anyone has 
suggestions, please let me know.  I assume the above code would work on Linux 
systems without problems (given the correct home directory path).  Can anyone 
verify this?  Thanks a lot.


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